========================= Input and Output Routines ========================= The jungle of file formats -------------------------- There are *a lot* of file formats used and produced by chemistry applications. Each program has his way to store geometries, trajectories, energies and properties etc. chemlab tries to encompass all of those different properties by using a lightweight way to handle such differences. Reading and writing data ------------------------ The classes responsible for the I/O are subclasses of :py:class:`chemlab.io.handlers.IOHandler`. These handlers take a file-like object as the first argument and they work all in the same way, here is an example of GroHandler:: from chemlab.io.handlers import GromacsIO fd = open('waterbox.gro', 'rb') infile = GromacsIO(fd) system = infile.read('system') # Modify system as you wish... fd = open('waterbox_out.gro', 'w') outfile = GromacsIO(fd) outfile.write('system', system) You first create the handler instance for a certain format and then you can read a certain *feature* provided by the handler. In this example we read and write the *system* feature. Some file formats may have some extra data for each atom, molecule or system. For example the ".gro" file formats have his own way to call the atoms in a water molecule: ``OW``, ``HW1``, ``HW2``. To handle such issues, you can write this information in the *export* arrays contained in the data structures, such as :py:attr:`Atom.export`, :py:attr:`Molecule.export`, and their array-based counterparts :py:attr:`Molecule.atom_export_array`, :py:attr:`System.mol_export` and :py:attr:`System.atom_export_array`. Those attributes are especially important where you write in some data format, since you may have to provide those attribute when you initialize your Atom, Molecule and System. You can easily open a data file without even having to search his format handler by using the utility function :py:func:`chemlab.io.datafile` this is the recommended way for automatically opening a file:: from chemlab.io import datafile # For reading sys = datafile('waterbox.gro').read('system') t, coords = datafile('traj.xtc').read('trajectory') # For writing datafile("output.gro", "w").write("system", sys) .. seealso:: :doc:`api/chemlab.io.handlers` :py:func:`chemlab.io.datafile` Implementing your own IOHandler ------------------------------- Implementing or improving an existing IOHandler is a great way to partecipate in chemlab development. Fortuately, it's extremely easy to setup one of them. It boils down to a few steps: 1) Subclass :py:class:`~chemlab.io.handlers.IOHandler`; 2) Define the class attributes *can_read* and *can_write*; 3) Implement the *write* and *read* methods for the features that you added in *can_read* and *can_write*; 4) Write the documentation for each feature. Here is an example of the `xyz` handler:: import numpy as np from chemlab.io.handlers import IOHandler from chemlab.core import Molecule class XyzIO(IOHandler): '''The XYZ format is described in this wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYZ_file_format. **Features** .. method:: read("molecule") Read the coordinates in a :py:class:`~chemlab.core.Molecule` instance. .. method:: write("molecule", mol) Writes a :py:class:`~chemlab.core.Molecule` instance in the XYZ format. ''' can_read = ['molecule'] can_write = ['molecule'] def read(self, feature): self.check_feature(feature, "read") lines = self.fd.readlines() num = int(lines[0]) title = lines[1] if feature == 'title': return title if feature == 'molecule': type_array = [] r_array = [] for l in lines[2:]: type, x, y, z = l.split() r_array.append([float(x),float(y),float(z)]) type_array.append(type) r_array = np.array(r_array)/10 # To nm type_array = np.array(type_array) return Molecule.from_arrays(r_array=r_array, type_array=type_array) def write(self, feature, mol): self.check_feature(feature, "write") lines = [] if feature == 'molecule': lines.append(str(mol.n_atoms)) lines.append('Generated by chemlab') for t, (x, y, z) in zip(mol.type_array, mol.r_array): lines.append(' %s %.6f %.6f %.6f' % (t, x*10, y*10, z*10)) self.fd.write('\n'.join(lines)) A few remarks: - It is recommended to use the method :py:meth:`~chemlab.io.handlers.IOHandler.check_feature` before performing read/write. This will check that the feature is present in the can_read/can_write list; - If you want to squeeze out performance you should use :py:meth:`Molecule.from_arrays` and :py:meth:`System.from_arrays`; - You can read whatever data you wish, for example the :py:class:`~chemlab.io.handlers.EdrIO` handler does not read Molecule or System at all; - You can definitely take inspiration from the handlers included in chemlab, :doc:`api/chemlab.io.handlers`.